How To Be WellnStrong
Follow health and wellness researcher Jacqueline Genova, as she speaks to some of the leading figures in the fields of wellness, integrative medicine, and mental health about what it means to be well and strong – in both body and mind. Get ready to be empowered, inspired, and motivated about becoming an advocate for your own health.
Note: This podcast episode is designed solely for informational and educational purposes, without endorsing or promoting any specific medical treatments. We strongly advise consulting with a qualified healthcare professional before making any medical decisions or taking any actions.
How To Be WellnStrong
Episode Revisited: An Alternative Approach to Conventional Cancer Treatment | Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy, MD
Today I’m throwing it back to one of the most downloaded episodes of the How to be WellnStrong podcast to date - my conversation with integrative cancer expert, Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy.
If you’ve been following me for a while, you probably already know that I’m incredibly passionate about an integrative approach to cancer. In fact, that’s the topic I wrote my college thesis on. An integrative approach combines conventional medicine with evidence-based alternative and complementary therapies.
In this episode, Dr. Connealy and I discuss why cancer rates are at an all-time high, the importance of early detection, alternative screening options, and what an integrative treatment approach truly entails.
Suggested Resources:
- Center for New Medicine
- Dr. Connealy Instagram | Website | Facebook
- Thermography as an alternative to mammograms
- Financial burden of health care
- Truth, Lies, & Controversy
- An Integrative Approach to Breast Cancer - WellnStrong Guide
- SafeSleeve Anti-Radiation Phone Case
- DefenderShield Laptop Shield
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- To access notes from the show & full transcripts, head over to WellnStrong's Podcast Page
*Unedited Transcript*
Jac: I appreciate you and I appreciate your time today. And I will be honest with you, Dr. Keneally, it took me a solid two hours to write down some of the topics that I wanted to cover with you because you are just such a wealth of information.
However, recognizing that we only have an hour, I tried to distill them down to what I hope are some of the most perhaps nuanced areas that listeners need the most clarity on. Myself included, um, and I, and I will say that the focus of many of them pertain to breast cancer. Again, I'm not sure if you recall, but, um, you know, one of our previous conversations, my mom was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer back in 2018, and her journey was truly the catalyst for my [00:01:00] starting Well and Strong.
So that's, that's been my passion area.
Dr Connealy: ~How is she doing now? ~
Jac: ~Ideally, Dr. Keneally, I'd love for her to come see you at your clinic. Uh, she lives in New Jersey. She works with a naturopathic oncologist based out of Boulder. Um, so she's been doing, you know, several different things. She's been doing mistletoe.~
~She's been doing some off label drugs. Um, we introduced doxy recently and, um, metformin. Um, she started Virginio CDK46. We didn't really want to have her start that. Yeah, of course, you know, we didn't want to have her start that, but. It felt it was time. She had some liver lesions that showed up on a recent scan.~
~So, yeah, but she's in good spirits. I mean, her markers have started to level off. So her, yeah, at this point, her oncologist is just like, continue on that. She seems to be tolerating it well. So, ~
~but ~
~I'm always looking to what else she can do. ~
Dr Connealy: ~How old is she? ~
Jac: ~She's young. She's 62. ~
Dr Connealy: ~Oh, very ~
~young. ~
Jac: ~Yeah. She was, she was diagnosed with stage two in 2008.~
~And then 10 years later, we found out it metastasized. So she had a, almost a decade of, you know, no relapse, but.~
Dr Connealy: So what age is your listener group?
Jac: Primarily between 25 to 35, interestingly. And then I have also, my second largest portion is between like 45 to 60. So it's like 60, 40 split, I would say, or 70, 30.
Dr Connealy: Okay. Well, we need to talk about cancer prevention and doctors don't know anything about that.
Jac: Yep. Absolutely. Dr. Connealy. So let's, let's just start. Um, one, one thing I truly admire about you and you know, this is certainly relevant to the path that you ended up taking, but seeing conventionally trained doctors decide to pursue a more holistic treatment approach in their own clinics.
So with that, for listeners who are not familiar with your story, Would you share a bit more on what led you to specialize in integrative and functional medicine?
Dr Connealy: ~Okay, ~
~perfect. ~
~Do you want me to start now? Oh, okay. I didn't know we were recording. ~
Jac: ~You're golden. And Dr. Keneally too, trust me when I say I edit everything and I always share that with the interviewees.~
~I'm like, don't worry. We're, there's editing. We can go back and forth. So yeah. ~
Dr Connealy: ~Okay, great. Okay.~ So. My story started a long time ago. I was born in the fifties, to be [00:02:00] specific, 1957, and when, I'm number three of six children, and when my mother was pregnant with me, she started bleeding, she went to the doctor, and they gave her a medication called DES, diethylstilbestrol.
And that's a very powerful estrogen and that was designed to stop the bleeding and prevent the loss of the pregnancy. And so fast forward, my mom delivered me and my parents received a letter when I was a teenager stating that that drug had been given to my mom and that her offspring needed to go into a cancer hospital because what they found from the DES That it was a, uh, you know, increased risk of cancer in both male and female offspring.
Hormone problems, anatomical problems, infertility problems. So I started [00:03:00] going to MD Anderson when I was 16 years of age. Getting pap smears, biopsies, all these tests. And so, anyway, so that led me, okay, I got my, um, you know, finished high school, got my degree in biology and Latin, and then I wanted to go to medical school.
And so, went to a conventional medical school in Chicago, and then I came out to Harvard General back in 1984. And I was, uh, that's where I did my training and, um, then when I got out of that and opened up my first practice, I met a gentleman doctor who was a pathologist and internist and he started teaching me a lot about endocrinology.
And I'm like, oh, well, I didn't even learn about this in [00:04:00] my training because when you go to a hospital training, you're taking care of like very, very serious situations. You're not taking care of patients like you would see in a day to day practice of medicine.
Jac: Right.
Dr Connealy: So anyway, he showed me a lot of things.
Well, fortunately, I grew up in Texas and my mother was very natural, meaning like. She nursed us all and we never used, she never used a jar of baby food for her babies.
Jac: Didn't you have farm animals as well? I remember you
in one of your
Dr Connealy: We had a farm growing up and so we had a berry. My mother served us liver and onions and sauerkraut and both, barn broth.
grind her meat at the table. Back then, they had a clamp that they would grind their meat. And
Jac: she was ahead of us all.
Dr Connealy: Yeah. So she was really like, if I wouldn't have grown up like that, I wouldn't know about bone marrow and bone broth, you know, all that stuff, because that's how my mom cooked. And she wasn't a tree [00:05:00] hugger type mommy.
She was pretty, you know, pretty You know, evolved and fashionable, you know, and anyway, so I grew up like that. So I grew up like we never went to fast food, never had bakery goods, never had any kind of stuff at home that wasn't like good for us. Okay, so I think, um, and then my whole, my whole life is about how do you prevent cancer?
And so I had, I never had two periods in a row in my life and so in medical school, they put me on the birth control pill. Well, that changed me forever in a negative way. Okay. And so then I found natural progesterone and natural progesterone in an injection. Um, and because that's all they had back a long time ago and that saved my life because I [00:06:00] would literally go months without having a period.
So I'd be in these hyper states, you know, because you know, you, you were supposed to have a natural rhythm. Well, I didn't have a natural rhythm. And so progesterone regulated me. So I gave myself a shot two times a month because each shot lasted about five or seven days. And, but it changed my life because it would take me out of that hyper state of estrogen.
And so it was life saving for me many, many years ago. Well, then I had babies, uh, got pregnant and that was not easy. I had to, I had, I tell people I had techno babies. I had to go, I tried to do it myself. And then my friend was an OBGYN and I tried to have take fertility pills. Well, it wasn't working, so I had to go see really, uh, very good infertility specialist.
And I was lucky to [00:07:00] have, you know, two pregnancies, one, one baby. And then I had twins 29 years ago. So when I was going to come for, I mean, from the beginning, I was pretty much kind of natural. Okay. That was how I approached things, you know, I didn't know what I know now back then, but I slowly just started to just really, you know, really start to look at natural things, everything natural.
And then I started going to conferences. that were for doctors, medical doctors, but that were more functional medicine oriented. And this was a long time ago. Now it's big, but it wasn't big when I was. So it was really small conferences. And so I'm like, Oh my God, this just makes sense. Like, why would you use a chemical and being damaged by a drug?
I was, I was so sensitive. I knew that it wasn't the way to take care of things. [00:08:00] And so anyway, you know, one step led to another, to another and where I am today. And I remember years ago, uh, I was at a, a four M conference, which is a very big conference in Vegas that they've had for a long time. And I met this guy who had sarcoma and sarcoma is a tumor of muscle and bone.
And someone had introduced me to him and he's telling me his whole life story. When he was 22, he was diagnosed with sarcoma. They said they were going to amputate. And he says, no, I'm not going to amputate. So he signed out AMA. Against the amputation and spent the next 11 years traveling the world to unravel his cancer and cure himself of cancer.
Wow. So I meet him when I'm like, I met him like 24 or 5 years ago. So I go, okay, I need to learn everything this guy knows. [00:09:00] And so I did, started learning everything he knew. And then it's just been, I've just been growing ever since. And so now we've combined the best of conventional medicine. When I say conventional medicine, you know, conventional medicine has only been around about, you know, not even a hundred years.
And, um, we do very thorough, very thorough history in physicals. Like I try to get a history from in utero to where you are now. Okay. And so we do a very comprehensive. history on the patient. We figure out what surgeries they've had, what medicine they have, what hospitalization, everything that's happened to their life up until now, because your body knows everything.
Your body keeps score of everything. Great book. What? Great. That's a great book too. The body keeps the score. Yeah. Anyway. And so, Then we [00:10:00] ask, how do you live every day? Like what is your sleep and your water and your eating and your activity and your stress level and what's going on with your teeth. You have mercury fillings, root canals or anything like that.
So we do like, we try to understand everything that's going on with the patient and then our plan may include. scans, very extensive blood work, much more than the conventional doctor does. Um, and it may entail PET scans. It might DCT scans. It might be ultrasounds. It may be, you know, thermogram. It may be all of those testing.
Okay. Thermogram, believe it or not, was started before mammography. So people don't realize that. So, um, anyway, so, um, now You know, so, and then we combine it with the best. Of all the updated treatments, like medicine is 20 years behind. [00:11:00] I mean, there's something new. There's 1. 5 million PubMed articles per year.
There's something new about a disease every second. So So we are trying to study and keep up with the latest, greatest and our team is amazing at that constantly learning, constantly striving to provide the best care for the patient and the best answers that are non injurious and non immunosuppressant.
So if you have to have a biopsy. Here's your preparation for the biopsy. If you have a PET scan, here is how do you counter measure the side effects of radiation. If you need to do chemo, here is your collateral support program so that you can handle chemotherapy. So that is the difference. And our medical profession is all about.
Sick health. It's all about waiting until you have an earthquake. They don't prevent, they're [00:12:00] not preemptive, proactive, and personalized about anything. Yeah. And so we have to change because we're spending 4. 3 trillion, expected to be 5. 1. We can't just have sick society. Then we're going to have a sick United States.
So all of us have got to take inventory of ourselves. Partner with a doctor who truly knows how to get you healthy. We have to take responsibility for how we live every day, right? And then invest in our health. We have to invest in our health. In today's world, we're living in the Great Poisoning. So, we have to take more important measures today to prevent disease than ever before.
Jac: Yeah, I couldn't agree more with all of that. For listeners, I'm just sitting here nodding. Um, Dr. Connealy, I mean that there's so much to impact there. Your story is truly incredible. And I, I love stories like that because your pain became your purpose. And some of the most successful people, not only [00:13:00] in the health space, but in life are folks who do just that, right?
They use their pain to help others. And I know that one practice you employ is early testing, right? And given that a majority of my listeners are young females, I'd love to touch on that topic to start. So I also know though that the screenings you advocate for are not necessarily the same as what most conventional doctors use.
You highlighted thermography earlier. And For listeners, mammograms do come with risk, right? You know this very well, Dr. Keneally. I mean, they not only expose the breast to radiation, which does add up over time, but there's also a good deal of research that's shown mammography can cause trauma to tissue that can actually accelerate the development of any tumor that may be present.
And when I learned that, it was, it was incredibly frightening. I mean, I'm 28. I have not had a mammogram yet, but that makes me want to stay very clear of them. So. So with that, could you first maybe explain to listeners what thermography actually [00:14:00] is? Right, well let's talk about
Dr Connealy: screening for young people.
So the only screening for young people is for females, a pap smear. Okay. And for a male, there's nothing. So for females, it's a pap smear until you're 40, and then they start breast imaging, which they, they endorse mammography, and they don't regularly do ultrasound as a prereq, you know, as a requirement at all.
So that is not going to work. Okay. They don't, they don't introduce colon screening until 45, even though a lot of the patients are 30 year old. So it's kind of funny that they say that we're having an increase in colon cancer, but they decreased. The colon evaluation from 50 to 45, but all the patients are [00:15:00] less than that.
So, there is no screening for young people other than what I said, pap smears for female and nothing for males. So, if you were to go to a regular doctor, first of all, a regular doctor is going to say, Oh, you're young. You don't need to worry. Well, that's not true because cancer is one in two people. It's the number one killer from people one to 85 and cancer rates in young people are increasing.
So we can't say that. I used to say we have a warranty until you're 40. But now I can't say that because I have patients here who are 30 with brain cancer, patients who are, uh, 30 with breast cancer, patients here that are colon cancer, so that are in their 30s. So I can't say that you have a warranty until you're 40.
Jac: And Dr. Conley,
that, I was just going to say, this could be a whole other episode, but why do you think cancer rates are so significantly [00:16:00] on the rise for younger populations?
Dr Connealy: I think an incredible amount
of, uh, toxicity now, way more ever than the history of man, and it's not going to change, and no matter what kind of things they enact in the United States, United States is only 5 percent of the world population, so if all the countries don't agree on, you know, doing something about reduced use of toxicity, We're not going to have a change.
Okay. And no one's going 8 billion people are not going to agree.
Jac: Yeah.
Dr Connealy: So that means what it means is you got to take your health in your own hands. You got to take charge and inventory of your health and learn everything you can through podcast and books and take action and partner with a practitioner.
That's very well school because like what patients constantly tell me that, you know. [00:17:00] They went to their doctor and they were okay. You've got to go to a doctor who, who knows all of the things that a patient needs to do. So, what does that look like? Well, one, like I had a patient today, the daughters came in and the wife came in of the father who has prostate cancer.
So, they all wanted to do a screening to prevent cancer, you know? So, what does that look like? Well, very good comprehensive blood test, okay? which includes, you know, comprehensive metabolic panel, CBC, iron, ferritin, because a lot of people have elevated ferritin, which is over storage of iron. Then you got to check your hemoglobin A1c, which is a reflection of your sugar over 90 days, a C reactive protein, which is a nonspecific marker for inflammation, vitamin D, DHEA sulfate levels, because DHEA sulfate is part of your immune system.
It's your immune. Um, you're [00:18:00] immune and anti aging and, you know, um, prevention, you know, hormone. Okay. And then, um, you should check your hormones in general because, you know, men, young men have low testosterone levels today, not just today, 25 years. They've had decreasing levels of low testosterone, which affects the physiology of your entire body.
And women have also similar things. They have similar hormonal problems because so many chemicals and toxins. are influencing the entire endocrine system. For example, phthalates and BPA. So then we, if you want to do any body imaging, thermogram you can do for females. Okay. You can do ultrasounds. You could do like [00:19:00] a whole body ultrasound, which is not expensive.
It's very inexpensive. You can look at, you know, your thyroid. Your breast, your liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen. So those are lots of good organs you can look at and then the pelvis looks at your pelvis, you know, your ultrasound of your uterus and ovaries and males. They can look at different, you know, your, the prostate, do it, do a, you know, ultrasound of their prostate.
Yeah, so there's lots of good testing. Then I order a liquid biopsy, so the labs that do good li liquid biopsies are RGCC and daar, D-A-T-A-R-R, GCCS outta Switzerland in Greece. And they're probably the oldest lab, and they have a blood test that you can do called Oncotrace, which is a liquid biopsy. And then Datar, D A T A R, also does a liquid biopsy.
I'm not married [00:20:00] to a lab, but one of those two labs, I think, so far, are the best. Okay?
Jac: What are your thoughts on Signatara?
Dr Connealy: Well, Signatara is good. That's only used if you've had cancer. So that Signatara is circulating tumor DNA. No, tumor DNA. DNA.
Jac: Oh, okay.
Dr Connealy: The RGCC and DATAR look for circulating tumor cells.
What's the difference is circulating tumor DNA is DNA from the original tumor. So it's very likely you might not have, that would be negative. even if you, but you could still have circulating tumor cells and you have to have pathology tissue in order to do signet terror. So, but that's a relatively new test.
It was originally came out for colon cancer and now they're doing it for all cancers. So where you do that a lot, so if you've had a history of breast [00:21:00] cancer and you want to make sure that nothing's going on, you would do the signature every month or every three months. I make a decision depending on the patient, the aggression of the cancer and everything.
And then the thing that I learned from my mentor who had sarcoma is you have acupuncture points all over your body. So I take the top 50 acupuncture points and every point is like a wire or a string of pearls. to the rest of the body. And so it looks at what's impeding your acupuncture meridians, all right?
Is it toxins? Is it yeast? Is it parasites? Is it stress? Whatever, right? Then it will also give me the timeline for cancer called the cancer cascade. And a lot of people have problems with understanding energy. But because I did when I first started doing this, I was like, Whoa, this [00:22:00] is really way out there.
Right? Well, now everybody talks about energy. Right? Right. We know that everything in the universe vibrates at a certain vibrational frequency. Correct? And so everything you buy and eat. vibrates at a vibrational frequency. Every vitamin does. Every bug does. So people don't understand that everything has an energetic, you know, output, just like if that's how dolphins when they swim in the ocean, they sense energy, right?
So, so we just have a hard time with energy. Your heart, the EKG is an electrical rhythm, right? Right. Your brain, how they determine brain dead, is immune, EEG has no electrical output. Your nervous system is all an electrical output. So, I always tell people, really, there's books written on energy, and the science of it, and everything.
And it's [00:23:00] like, you gotta take a deep dive. But this tells me, if you enter in something called the cancer cascade. So the cancer cascade is a timeline. So we know that from one cancer cell to tumor formation is 10 years. So we can look to see if you entered into the 10 year timeline. We don't want to wait until you develop a lump or bump, right?
We want to prevent the lump and bump because we know what is the arena for cancer. The arena for cancer is blood supply, toxicity, acidity. Immune, immune suppression. And deficiency and pancreatic enzymes because pancreatic enzymes clean up garbage out of the body. So we know when we look at, do you need pancreatic enzymes?
Do you need something to cut up? Let's apply because how does cancer start? Cancer starts with [00:24:00] one abnormal cell and the right conditions. And what is the tumor microenvironment? It's stress, it's toxicity, heavy metals. You know, all the poisons and toxins in the, you know, in the universe. Okay. There's no safe level of toxins in your body, right?
Your body wasn't designed to have heavy metals and toxicity. And then so many people take antibiotics. So what happens when you take antibiotics, you kill your microbiome. And what can you grow? You can grow yeast and fungus. Okay. So yeast and fungus is the same kind of environment as cancer. Sugary, low oxygen, and acidity because when you, when you have a lot of toxins and lots of bugs, your body becomes acidic because we have this perfect pH 7.
43 that our bodies have. to be it. And [00:25:00] when we get from what you eat, the bu toxins that we store and in our life makes our bod So we want to know if we're in the cancer terrain or a cancer tumor micro environment because we cannot continue to diagnose cancer patients. We cannot. It is out of control.
Okay. I was reading an article. Just yesterday that there's a new class of drugs called immunotherapy, Katruda and Optiva. What they do is they put the brakes on the immune system. So your immune system stops and tries to get the cancer. So, okay. So I'm like, and they said, if we keep using this drug, it cost about 200 to 400, 000 for a year.
Well, how are we? We can't afford it. We can't afford it, but we can afford to [00:26:00] prevent cancer. We can afford that. We can afford to continually take care of sick babies, sick elementary kids, sick teenagers, sick young adults, and sick old adults. We can't. Yeah. It's, it's, yeah. Everybody. I thought it has to do their part.
Jac: Yeah. I couldn't agree more, Dr. Kuhnley. I mean, I wrote a thesis as an undergrad, essentially on, you know, the need for a new integrative approach to cancer treatment. And it was just astounding, the stats that I, I had learned about the amount of money we spend in terms of cancer drugs, yet the rates of, have just been increasing, right?
We're clearly not doing something right. And I think, you know, we look at other countries like Germany and Mexico and, you know, doctors who are using hyperthermia and mistletoe, they are light years ahead of us, right? Like we're trying to develop, yeah, we're trying to develop these immune targeted drugs like Keytruda, but.
Mistletoe is essentially a natural immune immuno modulator, right?
Dr Connealy: That's right.
It [00:27:00]
doesn't hurt you.
Jac: It doesn't
hurt you. It's not toxic.
Dr Connealy: And the immunotherapy only works in 20 to 30 percent of patients.
Jac: Exactly.
Dr Connealy: Okay, so they, all these patients are taking it. And there's only a 20, 30 percent chance it's going to work.
Jac: Exactly.
Dr Connealy: Well, what else are you doing to make sure some other things are working?
Jac: Yeah, exactly.
Dr Connealy: And you're right. Like, I mean, like mistletoe, you know, you have all these other things that, um, you know, we can be implementing for you to fight the cancer, but. I always tell people the cure for cancer again is prevention, prevention, prevention.
And you know, there's something wrong that in a hundred years that we haven't cured one chronic degenerative disease. Not one. Every disease is exploding. Alzheimer's. Cancer, heart disease, all, everything is just exploding, exploding, exploding. [00:28:00]
Jac: Yeah, and Dr. Knealy, going back to the, to the screening, I even read a recent study that found thermography to be almost at par with mammography.
I think the accuracy percentages were like 96 versus 98. And it also stated that thermography was found to have much better accuracy in identifying benign cases from malignant ones. So, why is it that despite all of the evidence pointing towards why thermography is a safer screening option than mammograms, the conventional approach today still insists that it should not be used as a substitute?
Dr Connealy: first of all, mammography started in, so, thermograms started in 1956. Therm, uh, mammography started in 1980, I wanna say 83 or 84. So thermography has been around for a long time. All right. And so the difference is mammography can [00:29:00] find calcifications. Ultrasound finds, lumps and bumps, and thermography shows blood supply, and cancer is a blood.
They, they need blood supply to stay alive. Right? So all of that is going to change because we have brand new breast imaging coming. Okay. Well, it's already around, but it's not everywhere yet. So it's called QT technology and QT is the breast are going to be bathed in water and sound waves run through it.
And it's very, very, it's going to replace mammography and MRIs and everything because it's so, so it's been FDA approved already, it has a CBT code already, and, um, it will, you know, it's going to be, um, you know, it's already going to [00:30:00] be, uh, there's a couple of locations already. And that's going to be so there's a great book that if people want to read about mammography, it's called Truth, Lies and Controversy by Dr.
Peter Gaucher. So Dr. Peter Gaucher is a medical doctor from Denmark, and he started the Cochrane Collaboration Group, which is the An organization that examines literature all over the world to see what works and doesn't work. So he worked, he wrote that book, and for every 10, 000 mammograms you save one life.
So you're not saving lives. So And mammograms are radiation, not to mention injurious when you get them done. And so, um, I know for right the second, it's the standard of care, but they, every patient needs to know what the standard of care is. But our standard of care needs to change. Because our standard of [00:31:00] care of evaluation is not working.
Okay, so we practice at least the standard of care, but we go beyond the standard of care because, you know, like your phone. Well, you're too young, but when your cell phone came out a long time ago, when I had my 1st cell phone when I'm in my 30s. Okay. And. Um, it, it sat in your car like a, it had a trunk to it and all it did was you could call or receive nothing else.
So now your cell phone is in, in your hand and can do a jillion functions. Okay. So medicine though, hasn't. Gotten better and changed. Right. We're still practicing old medicine and actually some of the old drugs are better than the new drugs. Okay. But we [00:32:00] need to be changing our entire medical para paradigm to be proactive, preempt.
Preventive, personalized in the way we're taking care of patients, because there's no one like you. Okay, everyone is what we call in of one, you're your own clinical trial, because no one is alike. And we want to homogenize and treat everyone the same. And we're not, we do know, though, there's basic things that help us to do that.
Survive and thrive. And that is keeping your stress down, eating foods that nourish, strengthen, and heal your body. So that means get off of all of the fast foods, chemical foods, box foods, everything that has a big label. Okay. Drink purified water, move the 800 muscles in your body. Ground every day if you [00:33:00] have technology, phones and all that, phones and iPads, which everybody does, and they go through walls and everything.
But I think one of the biggest influences that young people have today is incredible exposure to electromagnetic fields. Everybody's on a computer, everybody has a cell phone, and granted, don't get me wrong, I love that I can quickly, you know, text somebody or call somebody. Okay. But we have to use it as a tool.
It's a technology that's used as a tool. It can't be part of your, part of your, you know, body. Okay. Like teenagers, it's their appendage is part of their body. Okay, we can't have that. Okay, we have. And then if you're going to use that, then you've got to really take the necessary things like magnesium and hydrogen water and ground every day.
On a natural surface like sand or dirt or [00:34:00] grass be out in nature every day, you know, you're going to have to do take these measures civilization is killing us. Okay, and so we have so much air pollution, water pollution, food pollution that, you know, all of us have to live a different way today. And unfortunately, it's taking the canaries in the mind, which are the 30 year olds with cancer or the young people.
That are so sick today, they should be perfectly okay, theoretically. If we're so advanced in our society, why isn't everybody a Navy SEAL and a genius? Correct? Because we have the knowledge. I mean, the world has the knowledge on how to be healthy. And I mean, if you don't just take the U. S., we have to take the world for information.
The U. S., as I said, is 5 percent of the population. We need to learn from our history. What [00:35:00] worked 70 years ago with people, right? Look, there was a lot of brilliant people, a hundred, 200 years ago, but the society, why are we regressing? Why are we having deconstruction of humanity today with every.
Jac: Yeah,
Dr Connealy: with everybody being unhealthy.
No, this is not okay. And why, why is it everybody taking a stand? And why is everybody normalizing illnesses? Oh yeah, I was supposed to have this. I, you know, you, I have IBS, I have Crohn's, I have this, I have that. What? That is not normal.
Jac: It's not. And it's sad that that's what people have become used to, right?
And I think also, too, Dr. Kuhnley, like, I feel like, especially in the health space, I mean, there's this all or nothing approach, where it's either you're all in or you're all out, right? And if you go and eat a cupcake, let's just slash the other three tires, right? And go on a binge eating disorder. But I [00:36:00] think that You know, to your point earlier about sure, like we have a toxic environment.
There's nothing you can necessarily do about that. That's the nature of the world. We can take protective measures, right? So to the point about radiation, like my phone has a safe sleeve case and whenever I'm on my laptop, I use a defender shield laptop, radiation blocking pad. So there are ways and things, you know, to do to help mitigate.
Right. And you have to.
Dr Connealy: You have to invest in your health. You have to. Okay. And you're right, there are so many resources like the best thing you can do, like I was just saying, I didn't talk about detox baths of Epsom salt, baking soda and clay, like you might not be able to afford a sauna, but you can afford these other things.
You know, Epsom salts, baking soda and clay is inexpensive. You said sweating, even if you go and exercise and sweat. That is better than nothing. Okay. So there's lots of great things that you can do to that aren't expensive [00:37:00] because the price to pay for being sick, I tell everybody, if you want to come and spend a couple of days with me at the clinic, you would do, you would, you would do what.
What we know is is is proactive and preventive. And like you were just saying, you've developed. And the problem is we're not educating, you know, Like if a company comes out, they should be educating us. Well, of course your cell phone is carcinogenic. So you might want to have a Faraday sleeve in your pocket to protect yourself.
Why don't they do that? Correct. Do you know what I'm saying? Right. And you don't see blueberries and broccoli advertised on television or in a magazine. They have. food, fake food and junk food and processed foods and so many chemicals, you know, that's, I mean, it's, it's, it's crazy because all companies can make good products.
Jac: Yeah. Amen to all of [00:38:00] that. And quite honestly, Dr. Keneally, I mean, that's the reason why I started well and strong. My mission statement is. Literally to encourage readers to be advocates of their own health because you have to be your own advocate. You can't trust your doctor. You can't trust the news.
You can't trust even that sometimes because sponsoring the studies. So you have to do your own due diligence and be
Dr Connealy: right. That's exactly
right. Because if we look at the random double blind randomized clinical trails, they usually paid for by somebody. So one of my mentors said, follow the money. Yeah, so we all like you said you have to get educated.
I will tell you a story very interesting story I had a lady doctor. She's only 34 and I looked at her, you know who she was and she's a medical doctor and she works at Kaiser and I'm like wow Does she know what we do here because Kaiser is a conventional system and so forth so anyway, I [00:39:00] go and to meet her and so I said So, um, you know that we are an integrative facility and, um, we do things very differently.
She goes, yeah, that's why I'm here. And I said, well, how did you, how as a medical doctor, did you get interested? She goes, well, I was on Instagram and I. I was looking at all the doctors saying all these things and then I said, I'm going to prove them wrong. Well, in her quest to prove us wrong, she said, Oh my God, everything I've been taught is a lie.
And she had melanoma and which is very unusual at a young age to have already melanoma. Anyway, uh, cause young people are getting melanoma. I noticed a lot too. Our youngest patient is 18. Yes, and melanoma is not caused from the sun. It's an internal storm. So people think it's from the [00:40:00] sun Basal cell and squamous cell is from the sun, but not melanoma.
So anyway, people are starting Starting because look there's health podcasts. There's books. There's lots of resources to educate yourself We're correct and everyone should be questioning everything looking at everything reading everything read your Cell phone info. It says it's in there. It's carcinogenic.
Okay. Read the food that you're buying. Think about everything. Don't take everything as, oh, it's okay. Make sure everything's okay.
Jac: Absolutely. I can't integrate more. And Dr. Keneally. So you have this incredible cancer clinic, um, out in California. You do all these different integrative therapies. I'm just curious. And I know you employ a bunch of them, right? Because it's A combination of therapies to get that effectively or that is most effective, right?
It's not just one but I am [00:41:00] curious if you could maybe distill it down to like two or three That you've seen be most effective in some of the patients you've treated What what would they be would it be high dose IVC off label drugs hyperthermia? I mean you've you've seen so much on your patients. I'm just curious
Dr Connealy: And you know, we do chemotherapy here.
We do fractionated chemotherapy here. When you, when you, when you've been diagnosed with cancer, it's not something you negotiate with. So you just, you have to decide, I've got to change my mind, get rid of my stress. I've got to de purify my body. I have got to get my nutrients under control. Get rid of the viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
Because those all contribute to cancer directly or indirectly and there are very inexpensive things to [00:42:00] do that. You might want to use repurposed drugs in the cancer. I haven't always used them. But they can be beneficial and those drugs are very cheap because they've been around for a very long time They're all generic and they they're very inexpensive Then I would say if I had to choose a treatment here because they all do different things We have you know, many different IVs IV vitamin C IV artisinate IV curcumin So if I have a stage 4 I do everything on them everything Because stage four requires, you know, doing a hundred things because you can't rely on chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy only works some of the time. People think that chemotherapy, you just take chemotherapy and everything's going to shrink. Well, no. Chemotherapy, and if you have high phthalates and high [00:43:00] BPA, you have high chemo resistance. So theoretically, you should be drastically detoxing your body while you, and let's say your chemotherapy is emergent.
Then, you know, you've got to be detoxing at the same time you're doing the chemotherapy because of the high chemo resistance with phthalates. Most doctors don't even know that. Okay. So, and then, uh, if your body doesn't have energy, Jacqueline, so your body has to have voltage. So, let's say I get a hammer and I hit your hand and injure your hand.
Well, you're gonna need minus 50 filivolts to heal that hand. But if you don't have energy, you can't heal. So, your body is like this, every cell has like a battery. And you've gotta have at least minus 25 volts for it to maintain its energy. [00:44:00] So what steals your energy? Stress. Heavy metals, bugs, tattoos, chemotherapy, x rays, and all kinds of imaging, all those things steal your voltage.
Scars, like if you've had scars, they block the energy pathways. So I, I would say the most important thing is to get voltage every day. So the cheap way to get voltage is to be around. to be on the ground, sand, dirt, grass with running water, okay? So, I mean, we use devices here, like pulsed electromagnetic field.
Lots of, lots of voltage to the body. We use something called the bio charger. We use something called the bio modulator. So, because the patient's been sick for 10 years, we've [00:45:00] gotta just do everything to awaken and he turn on the healing process of the body. Right? Do you see what I'm saying? So, like if you said, okay, what is the one ingredient you'd need to make chocolate chip cookies?
Chocolate? Is it gonna make chocolate chip cookies? Hell no, it's not. Right? No. So, you need everything, and that's just chocolate chip cookies, which are relatively easy to make. Yes, there's a hundred million varieties of of chocolate chip cookies. I mean, everybody has their version, right? Every person on the universe has their version.
But that's how complicated we are trillions of cells and you're not living in a petri dish and the doctor is controlling everything. You're living in and of this world. And so you've got to create this healing [00:46:00] sanctuary at your house. wherever, hopefully at your work too, that we've all got to be on the same page.
I believe my, you know, my, one of my missions is like create healing community centers everywhere, you know, and everybody contribute because self care is the new health care. You can't, we're not getting well with the system, correct? I mean, if everybody knows something different, I'm more than happy to, to, to entertain anything.
But I've been practicing a very long time, and I'm no spring chicken myself, and I've had many detours in my life, okay? I mean, many detours, health wise, that were all caused, everything was caused by the DES except one thing, when I delivered my twins. I went into shock because they delivered one emergency, one naturally and one emergency C section and I went into shock [00:47:00] and I was sick for years until I got a pituitary transplant.
So, I know what it's like to be sick. I'm not talking here because I was given, uh, you know, Primrose Path. I've been through many, many, many, many, and I've never used the conventional system. Because when I did use the conventional system, the doctor had me on a dozen drugs. After my pregnancy, and then when he told me I needed an antidepressant, then I was ready to kill him.
So, yeah, yeah,
Jac: Dr. Kelly, I relate to that so much. I mean, even in my mom's journey like there, there are so many things that I wish we had done differently right behind sites 2020 we can't change the past we can just learn from it. But. In my experience, everything that has helped her have been therapies that support the body's own ability to heal, right?
And Chris Ward, I, I love Chris. I had him on the show a few weeks ago too. I know you've done a ton of work with him. He says, [00:48:00] um, one of his quotes is that, you know, your body created cancer, right? And if your body created. a condition or a disease. It also has the ability to heal it when given the right things and put in the right environment.
And I stand by that a hundred percent. And if you look at all these integrative therapies that we've been discussing, they do just that, right? They're not necessarily targeting some type of mutation in the cancer that, you know, will essentially mutate again, right? They're targeting like. Your body's own immune system and your ability to kill foreign cells that, you know, it's just recognizing the inherent brilliance of our body is what it comes down to.
Dr Connealy: Beautiful innate ability to heal. And if everyone would just honor that, but we need to all be good stewards of the miracle that we get to enjoy to live with. Because, you know, when something happens, people want to blame it on something else, but it all starts. with our daily intention and execution of a [00:49:00] well lived life.
Jac: Yeah, Dr. Connealy, I've always been curious. How do you manage your own self care? Because you are caring for so many people, and I just, I can tell the type of person you are. Like, you have a heart, you want to help everyone, and I know that. I can be the same way. And sometimes I realize, am I giving more to others than I'm giving to myself?
And at what point do you, do you draw the lines? Well, I do.
Dr Connealy: I have to, because a patient actually asked me that for my first new patient today, uh, would ask me that too. Uh, well, first of all, I believe what I do today is about my vocation. So my vacation is my vocation. Okay. And so I feel like God. I planted the seed and I need to do it, but I also have to take care of myself.
So I always get a good night's sleep. I always do healing affirmations from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed. Okay. I eat well all the [00:50:00] time. Do am I perfect? No. Friday night we had our Christmas party. They serve French fries and obviously really good food. It was at a time and it was, you know, but I, one of the things I like is French fries.
Okay. Bye. So do I have French fries once in a while? Yes. Okay. But I know how to get back on track the very next day. Okay. And, um, I exercise. I wake up at 5 45 to go to the gym and exercise. I have an infrared sauna. Luckily I live close to the beach. So I go ground on the beach. When I come in in the morning, I have a meeting.
I do bio modulator, which is the, the, the little device that I told you that charges your body. So I do that. And and I try to do like multitask. A lot of times I always on the weekend recharge. Okay, I get body work. I get a massage once a week and I go because of my 18 hours of back surgery four years ago from [00:51:00] the scoliosis caused by the D.
E. S. I go. I get body work and physical therapy. Um, and so I do do self care. I do. And I do work five days a week, okay, but I want everyone to know what I know. I want everyone to be able to take charge and take inventory of their life and start changing their life right now. So that's why I won't stop.
Jac: I love that.
Well, Dr. Connealy, you're, you're truly an incredible woman. I know we are nearing on the hour and I do want to be conscious of your time. So where can listeners
Dr Connealy: ConnealyMD on Instagram and then ConnealyMD website. Uh, that will find everything and then really they can read my book and just start implementing those simple things little by little.
Don't try to do everything in one day. Take your time. Give yourself a year to start transforming your life.
Jac: Yeah, it's a marathon, not a sprint, right? And my last question for you, Dr. Keneally, is what [00:52:00] does being well and strong
mean to you?
Dr Connealy: waking up every day and saying this is going to be the best day ever.
Jac: I love that, Dr. Keneally. Well, thank you so much again for your time, um, for all you do in this space. And I'm incredibly excited to share this episode with listeners. I know it's going to bless so many people. ~Absolutely. ~